Dear members of FinOps Foundation SIG French,
Last month, the Senior Advisory Board (SAB) of our French-speaking group within the FinOps Foundation (French Special Interest Group a.k.a French SIG) took place for the very first time.
As a reminder, this SAB is the SIG’s steering body: it aims to give us the main strategic orientations, as well as the subjects to be dealt with in priority in our various events (publications, papers, meetup, studies...)
All the members of this SAB are from large customers who are concerned with the controlled about well-managed and sustainable adoption of public cloud solutions. It is made up of 9 initial members:

This meeting allowed SAB members to get to know each other, share their visions, but also their questions and their current challenges and pain points around FinOpsand its adoption.
We emerged with a lot of ideas, both in terms of content and form, to make our SIG evolve and grow.
The topics identified are as varied as:
- How to train and evangelize an organization about a FinOps approach?
- How to get the right tools?
- How to adopt FinOps at scale and lead the change?
- How to predict, measure and compare costs?
- How to measure and steer the sustainability of one’s IT?
- How to measure the FinOps approach and its progress (KPI, ROI, etc.)?
Our Miro Collaborative Board
Among them, the topic to be addressed first and foremost concerns training, evangelization and support for the FinOps approach in the enterprise.
A new meeting is planned in the fall to present the SAB with a summary of this first exchange, but above all a detailed action plan with deliverables, webinars, sharing moments, and much more!
This meeting will also be an opportunity to exchange on the first deliverables around awareness and FinOps evangelization.
Let’s collaborate!
These topics are the subject of work and exchanges within the community of FinOps practitioners.
We need your experience and expertise on this subject!
If you want to engage yourself and participate in the FinOps Foundation work, join us: registration is free and we are awaiting you on the dedicated areas on the Slack of the Foundation (channel #french-sig, with subscription to the foundation here), on the website, on LinkedIn and also by email.
See you soon,
FinOps Foundation French SIG team