
Setting the tagging policy

Key role(s)


Define the initial tagging policy in order to allow the analysis of expenses


Facilitate reporting and investigation of expenses

Implementing tagging is one of the very first actions to be taken. It consists of associating keywords to cloud resources so that they can be tracked and identified throughout their lifecycle. Tags are crucial for search and allocation tasks but also for expense management and cost optimization.

Standard Tags

NameIdentification of the resource
Application IDIdentification of the application to which the resource is linked
Application RoleFunction of the resource in the application
ClusterCluster to which the resource belongs
EnvironmentDev, test, staging, production, etc
VersionResource Version
OwnerResource owner
Business UnitAssociated BU
CustomerSpecific customer
ProjectSpecific project
ConfidentialityPrivacy Level
ProjectSpecific project
ComplianceSet of applicable compliance requirements

It is essential to determine which tags are mandatory in the organization and which are useful but optional. Whatever the scheme, it is important to centralize it in a reference document and ensure that it is applied and kept up to date.

See previous card

Assign the 2 first roles

ID 1S1

See next card

Monitoring the effectiveness of the optimizations

ID 1R1
